"Noah," a major Hollywood blockbuster movie, was recently banned by film censoring bodies of Muslim nations - Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain - over the movie's depiction of the prophet.
According to the laws of Islam, depictions of any prophet are shunned to avoid worship of anything other than God.
In a statement, the chairman of the Malaysian Film Censorship board Abdul Halim Abdul Hamind said: "The film 'Noah' is not allowed to be screened in this country to protect the sensitivity and harmony in Malaysia's multiracial and multi-religious community."
Malay Muslims make up about 60 per cent of Malaysia's 30 million people. The country also banned the Oscar-nominated Wolf of Wall Street in 2013 because of scenes of orgies, drug-use and foul language.
In Indonesia Muchlis Paeni, the head of the country’s censoring board, said the plot of the film contradicted both the Quran and the Bible.
"We have to reject Noah to be screened here," Paeni said. "We don't want a film that could provoke controversies and negative reactions."
The Indonesian Council of Ulama, the country's most influential Islamic body, has celebrated the decision, stating that films which corrupt religious teachings should be outlawed.
However, many Indonesians have condemned the ban. Award-winning film-maker Joko Anwar commented recently: “If there is a fear that the film will cause unrest and protest from some groups then the government should create a situation conducive to people growing up instead of always limiting them to a narrow-minded condition.”
Some Christian conservatives in the United States have also complained that the film, directed by Darren Aronofsky, does not portray the flood accurately.--Source: Telegraph