HBO's "True Detective" begins this Sunday January 12, a new series spotlighting two detectives at odds with each other, going on a quest to discover the truth about a gruesome murder which happened years ago.
The series stars Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson as Louisiana detectives Rust Cohle and Martin Hart, whose lives collide and entwine during a 17-year hunt for a killer, ranging from the original investigation of a bizarre murder in 1995 to the reopening of the case in 2012. Michelle Monaghan also stars as Hart’s wife, Maggie, who struggles to keep her family together as the men in her life become locked in a cycle of violence and obsession.
By 2012, Hart is working in private security. He has lost some hair and added some pounds, along with new layers of denial. Cohle, who in 1995 still fought to keep his demons in check, is now a scraggly boozehound.
“It’s a whodunnit for the murder case, but what you’re going to see throughout is who these two guys are, and when you see them in 2012, how the hell did they get there and what happened in the interim,” McConaughey said.
Written by Nic Pizzolatto and directed by Cary Fukunaga, "True Detective" debuts January 12 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET/PT) on HBO. --Excerpts from The Statesman Journal and