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NACAW, HOLDAF: New names for pork barrel

An online challenge from ANC anchor Lynda Jumilla -- to give a new name to replace the pork barrel fund -- elicited funny and creative suggestions from netizens.

One Twitter user came up with "National Assistance Program of Lawmakers Engaged in Service" or NAPOLES, in honor of Janet Lim Napoles, the alleged brains behind the pork barrel scam.

Or how about this contribution: "Holistic Lawmaking for Development of All Filipinos" or HOLDAF -- a wordplay on hold-up.

Another suggests what has become a circulated online joke: “Benigno Aquino Development Assistance Fund” or BADAF, an instant throwback to the 80's boyband song "BADAF Forever."

Others came up with the colloquial synonyms of stolen, like “National Endowment for Noynoy's Overt Keeps” or NENOK, “Countrywide Universal Priority Initiatives Treasury” or CUPIT Fund, and “National Account for Countrywide Administrative Welfare” or NACAW.

There were also random suggestions, like PELUKA or “Perang Laan Ukol sa Kaunlaran,” and MALABO or “Medical, Agriculture and Livelihood Assistance Budget Outlay.”

Some kept their suggestions close to pork, like BACON or “Budget Allocation for Congress and Other Nuisances,” LIEMPO or “Lawmakers Initiative for Emergency, Miscellaneous and Personal Outlay,” CASIM or “Congressional Allocation for Special Infrastructures and Maintenance, and SEBO or “Selective Enforcement of Budgetary Outlays.”

One user preferred beef instead -- with the term STEAK or “Sistematiko, Tapat at Epektibong Alokasyon para sa Kaunlaran.”

One user said, “Why not name the funds with the opposite of pork?”

His suggestion: “Government Outlay Line-itemized and Appropriated Yearly” or GOLAY -- a play on the Filipino word for vegetable.--Source: ANC

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