The Philippine job market is getting anemic. Today's workforce, the Millennial generation, will not work for a company where certain things are done because “it’s always been done that way.” They hate strict dress codes. They hate the 8 to 5 routine. They'd rather spend a day of work in a coffee shop planning their sales pitch than sitting on their desks for eight long hours.
Here are 4 reasons why Millennials are quitting their jobs.
1. They want flexible work hours; and office rules are ancient to them.
Business attire? 15-minute coffee breaks? 8 to 5 work hours? The Millennial generation don't want being shackled to their desks for eight long hours dressed in some crappy shirt and tie. They've done harder tasks before during their college days while in their pyjamas with only a few googling strokes on their laptops. So, why will a Millennial perform a task just because an employer wants it done the old, traditional way? Millennials are the flexible lot. They have the ability to set up their office anywhere and work at their own flexible hours, while accomplishing even more compared to the others stuck in the office.
2. They want to get paid more for less work.
Thanks to social media— the Millennials are now able to see other people’s virtual lives. They've seen how big corporations reward others for doing less - people literally getting paid for being popular on Instagram or on YouTube. Seeing that so casually in the feed on their phones has affected the way they perceive their own pursuits and ambitions. So when a Millennial gets to have a slave job at a company just to climb the invisible (and unreachable) corporate ladder, they'd just ask themselves why they get just a piece of the pizza while others get to have two whole boxes.
3. They want to work to live, instead of live to work.
'Workplace is not the life,", or at least that's how they see the relationship between the workplace and their lives. Millennials want to have more time with their families, their friends, their hobbies, their pleasures, their pastimes, etcetera. That's why blogging and vlogging gained so much popularity in the last decades among the new generation. They want to work on their passion and earn from it rather than slaving away all their lives in the office.
4. They don't immediately say "yes" to the boss unless they hear the "why"?
Millennials were already typing with their keyboards and fiddling with Google even before they learn to write. This is the reason why they seem to be smarter than the older generations. They don't agree with their superiors unless there's enough logic to the task. They don't believe in the old saying, "the boss is always right." They need to know the "whys" first before they heed.
We often hear the phrase, "Millennials are lazy." But they aren't. They skip over unnecessary steps not because they are lazy but because they know there are better ways to do a task. They don't work harder, but they just work smarter. Employers should understand the characteristics of the millennial generation to be able to survive in the future. After all, this generation is due to be 75% of the workforce within the next decade, so the takeover is imminent.
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