MOTORISTS can now use their brand new cars even without its license plates.
This after the Land Transportation Office (LTO) announced that it will no longer implement its controversial "No Plate, No Travel" policy due to the shortage of license plates and stickers.
Instead, the LTO will now put into effect the "No Registration, No Travel" system under Memorandum Circular No. AVT-2015-1930 enforcing a policy on the “no registration, no travel” of four-wheeled motor vehicles pursuant to Joint Administrative Order No. 2014-01.
According to a Rapplerarticle, under the memorandum circular, the owner of the unregistered vehicle will be fined P10,000.00. The driver of the same vehicle will be charged a separate P1,000.00.
If a motor vehicle has been unregistered for more than 37 days, it will be impounded and released only upon registration and payment of appropriate fines and penalties.
Senate hearing
At a Senate hearing last Friday, Senator JV Ejercito grilled LTO chief Alfonso Tan on the shortage of license plates and stickers.
Senators Ralph Recto and Alan Cayetano also told the LTO and Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board to rescind the joint administrative order imposing a P5,000 fine for vehicles without license plates.
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